Archive | April, 2008

My professional blogging career

16 Apr

It just started with a post about postcards.

Sweater Thursday XXIII.

11 Apr

gem sweater

Yesterday’s sweater is my gem sweater, the very one I wore to see Leslie Hall, lady rapper and gem sweater curator. It’s fancy.

fancy chugging coffee

I guess I drink coffee like I drink beer. That’s my shotgunning stance.

And gray sweatpants are unflattering

8 Apr

I don’t usually look for fitness tips in cooking magazines, but this exercise in Cooking Light intrigued me.

wtf cooking light

How the hell did she get from A to B? That paragraph is ridiculous. Lucia attempted it when she was in Iowa City. She claimed she did it, but no one was looking, and then she couldn’t really repeat it.

wtf cooking light text

(I also have to share that I am bothered by the phrase “eight to 10” in the last sentence. EIGHT to TEN or, if you must, 8 to 10. Not both. And they turned me down for an editorial internship in college…)

Old news

8 Apr

I’ve been meaning to post more stuff from my spring break in Madison with the cheese, the nerd, and lucia which happened weeks ago. Back when it was still snowing outside. Now it’s all sunshine and songbirds all the time.

1. Balderdash. You are familiar with the game. Someone reads an obscure word, everyone makes up a definition, and then you have to try to choose the correct one. I saved some of my favorite definitions. Which definition is real?

sny – the underbelly of an amphibian

sny – the house of worship of a heretical organization

sny – secretly unkind

noop – the sharp point of the elbow

boluliform – having one bulbous end

wallygowdy – one’s condition after overindulging in food and drink

2. Breakfast scrabble.

Whitney says RELAX

Believe it or not, this was my first experience with Breakfast Scrabble. You don’t keep score and you can play dubious words that might start a fight in a regular game. I will never be the same again. Here you can see my off the board play, JUICE. (And my noop in the corner.)


Apparently I went too far, even for breakfast rules. After it was documented, I was forced to remove it. Also notice the upside down plays in the northwest corner. The best part of this game was when an attractive young waitress stopped by to say she loved Scrabble, too, and to see if we had played any good words. And Whitney immediately said, “Well, there’s FLOATER, that’s always a classic.” And she seemed vaguely uncomfortable and walked away.

3. Easter eggs. Here’s a creepy one Whitney did. If you want to see what inspired it, google goddess bunny. But don’t really. Don’t!

bunny egg

Here is my best egg.

best egg

Darcy’s best can be seen here.

4. Glorious cheese from Fromagination. Forgive them their name, they are generous with samples.

cheese and mustard

Emma, you fool

6 Apr

I just saw Bon Iver. Having been warned that they had the stage presence of corrugated cardboard, my expectations were low. But they rocked. They rocked! In fact, by El Scorcho’s description, I’m not convinced he actually saw Bon Iver. I didn’t detect any overt Swedishness, main man Justin Vernon played several guitars, and it was easy to understand him. I may be biased because I want to jump the drummer, Sean Carey, but I don’t think so. They were good. My favorite song was The Wolves (Act I and II) because it ended with an instrumental freak out, with a particularly athletic performance on the drums. I might as well turn this into an installment of who would I do and a hat. Sean Carey, I would do you. Come back to Iowa City soon. I have a hunch you smell good. I’ll make you pancakes. Even your name is hot. Sean Carey. I wonder how often you google yourself, Sean Carey, Sean Carey.

You can just barely see him here at about 1:13. At least I think that’s him. Give them another chance, Madison. They’re playing your town next Friday. Only $10.

Oh, and the hat. My second floppiest. Penultimate flop.

Floppy hat

I do still have more winter hats to share, but I couldn’t bring myself to put one on since it was 100% spring today.