Sweater Thursday XXIX

6 Nov


Okay, so I’m only wearing one sweater today. A wrap sweater. But my belt is wool, so that adds something. That book in my hand is the very last journal on the library shelf.

cimg4142And now, my friends-in-sweaters.

Cinnamon TIngle in a pre-owned button-down cardigan with pockets.cimg4149

A soft chocolately number from someone who is slightly suspicious of the internet. Hint: she likes whiskey.

cimg4152It’s windy in Iowa today. On my walk to the library, my skirt blew up and as I struggled to get it back down, this guy with a shovel said, “That’s okay, I don’t mind.” Classy.

6 Responses to “Sweater Thursday XXIX”

  1. wb001i 11/7/08 at 10:28 am #

    What’s going on with your roman numeral-ing? Is that 20+(10-6)? Or 20+5+(10-1)? Or is that Greek for 29?

  2. jobonga 11/7/08 at 11:20 am #

    Oops. Why can’t you just say something nice about my sweater?

  3. jobonga 11/7/08 at 11:22 am #

    There. I fixed it.

  4. wb001i 11/7/08 at 12:02 pm #

    I was still too distracted by your skirt flying up in the wind. Your sweater looks very breezy also. I like it. It’s a good thing it came with a belt yesterday though.

  5. NNW 11/8/08 at 6:45 pm #

    I like all the sweaters. However, I especially like the story about your skirt, that was awesome.

  6. Heidi 11/17/08 at 11:30 am #

    I recognize one of those sweaters…. Damn it why doesn’t it fit ME!

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